01 January 2012

ringing in the new year

happy new year!

after working for eight hours in the restaurant last night, we realized that there was no way we were going to make it to the new year's party we'd planned on attending. there wasn't a cab in sight, we weren't able to leave the restaurant until well after eleven, and my feet already ached from wearing sparkling enzo heels all night. so we hopped in the car, drove over to the park behind the reservoir, and watched the fireworks and kissed, all wrapped up in a blanket we found in the car. and although there wasn't any real glitz or glamour (other than in my shoes), it was absolutely perfect.

2011 was the best year of my life, but i'm realizing each year only gets better. this year, i've got three resolutions:

1. i want to be an even better wife. i want to learn to pick my battles, because almost none of them really matter fifteen minutes later. i want to be more patient. i want to live in love.
2. i want to finish making our condo feel like home. i want it to feel cohesive and put together, and i want to keep it cleaner and more organized all the time.
3. i want to always be working on a project of my own, whether a painting, or hopefully grad school, or another specific goal.

words don't begin to express how lucky i am. i'm married to my soulmate, surrounded by beautiful people, and live in my favorite city in the world. this year, i want to settle into my good fortune; really cherish it and begin to build in it. here's to the best year ever (yet)...


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