06 January 2010

george banton's holiday lights

i know christmas is over, but it has to have one last hurrah because i saw something so lovely last night i just had to post it.

every night on my way home from work, across the reservoir you can see a bunch of lights. we realized last night they'll probably be taken down soon, so we decided to try to find the house and check it out.

"this is exactly what my house is going to look like when i'm a real grownup."

oh my goodness. at the entrance was a sign welcoming you to turn off your car, and take a stroll through the yard. a little notice let us know that donations would be going to the Heart Association (nice work!) and that the light show hopefully, "brightens up an otherwise dark time of year." i think i love george banton.

the best part was all the detail. there were little santa lights staked into the ground, and cow lights (i think this is what really wooed me, what fantastic little lights!), along with a plethora of other animals.

there was his sweet and thoughtful notice, next to an old fashioned trash can used to hold the donations.

he had built the emerald city, and it twinkled whenever bare branches crossed it.

there were hula girls, strawberries, flamingos, palm trees... even betty boop! (i promise that last one is betty boop, just squint a little).

i wanted to take pictures of everything with my dinky little camera phone, but it was freezing, so i'll leave the lobsters, tool set, snowmen, and the million other little lights to your imagination...

thanks george banton!


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