02 January 2010

"the generation of girls who can't even boil an egg"

that's the name of a real article, by the way. something simply must be done.

i have a love-hate relationship with eggs. i find them simultaneously delicious and revolting. sometimes they're runny, or chewy, which is just as awful, and then i can't stand them. i hate them cold. i am always anxious while cooking them. they just seem like a lot of a pressure.

but sometimes an egg is cooked perfectly. and then it's amazing. it's full of protein and good cholesterol (who knew such things existed?!) and a vibrant color that is so sure to start your morning in an excellent fashion. sometimes i get eggs fresh from linda, whose chickens are lovely and have feathers all over their feet like they belong in a haute couture runway show, and then i'm always excited. easter would be nothing without its exquisite painted treasures. deviled eggs are definitely a superior snack. and then, of course, there's my baking. my constant baking, which i am temporarily suspending. eggs are essential to all of it, holding the cake together, souffles, meringue... oh, when i am baking, i am speechless with my love for eggs.

because i am going on south beach (see my resolution #1), for the next two weeks i will be unable to appreciate eggs for their baking contributions. SO today, after a nice run in the rain, i decided to play nice and make some hardboiled eggs.

these are not my eggs. this is a picture of someone else's perfect hardboiled eggs. i didn't look up directions, because how hard can boiling an egg be? long story short, it's probably been 10 years since i made them, and i just sort of guessed on the timing (five minutes seemed like a nice round number). i cooked the whole dozen to a nice mediumboiled, much to my boyfriend's disgust who can, and i quote, "NOT eat a softboiled egg" (wuss). i, however, thought they were fantastic, with a firm outside and a nice warm delicious yellow inside. i already feel healthier!

and, as i may have indicated, i am filled with a newfound appreciation for the egg, which, when you think about it, is really a pretty beautiful thing, both as a symbol of life, and one of sustenance. next time they'll look like the picture. i hope.


1 comment:

  1. we must share some dna somewhere.
    i go back and forth on whether or not i think eggs are god's perfect food, or utterly revolting.
    runny whites, yuck
    cold, gross
    slightly soft yolk, unbelievable.
    they even look kinda like yin and yang.
    good luck on the diet!
    i'm going raw somewhat myself.....
